Eightfold Yoga Monthly Class (CE options)
With Kristi Lyons
$40 Member/$50 (Continuing Education rate)
Friday 5:30-8:30 pm
October 13th (Hanuman + Sita)
Remembering your Divine Purpose

November 3rd
 (Durga + Kali)
The Fortress of your Heart
December 1st (Natchiketas + Yama)
Detachment + letting go
Once a month students will have the opportunity to participate in a guided practice that follows Patanjali’s Eightfold Path to discover a deeper, more wholistic experience of yoga. Each class will start with Yogic discourse and contemplation of the first two limbs of yoga, followed by asana, pranayama, and meditation practices. Each month this heart centered practice will have a different theme bases on Vedic story and wisdom. Upon Completion of each class, registered yoga teachers are eligible to receive 3 hours of continuing education credits for Yoga Alliance. All are welcome, open to students and teachers alike.
Questions can be directed to manager@trueself.yoga
Register HERE