Pranayama is the fourth limb of the 8 limbs of of yoga. It consists of two parts. Prana, meaning life force energy or breath. And ayama meaning extension or expansion.  Pranayama,  is the practice of expanding your life force energy through the conscious guiding of the breath. It is no secret that life depends on breath. It is the great communicator of our nervous system and body. If you were to think back to a time when your were stressed or anxious, chances are your breath was shallow, held, or quick. Whereas, if you think of a time of deep relaxation your breath most likely reflected this state in a full, slow , steady manner. The breath communicates to the body that you are okay.

It is proven that by consciously breathing in different ways, one can bring about different states in the body and mind. As yoga is the practice of union, pranayama is a great tool to come into partnership with the life force energy continuously flowing through your being.

To develop your own pranayama practice join Nic on Saturday November 2 or Sunday November 3, from 12- 12:45, for a special class focused on this ancient yogic practice.

$10 for members
$15 for non members